what is a health science degree

What is a Health Science Degree?

为不断增长和老龄化的人口提供充分和有益的医疗保健是二十一世纪最紧迫的问题之一. But this problem is solvable, 特别是随着越来越多的人注册并接受健康科学教育.

健康科学是目前美国最多样化的研究领域之一, 各种经济和教育背景的学生都想学习如何帮助别人.


What is Health Science, Exactly?


健康科学学位是授予这个以科学为重点的正规的网赌平台的毕业生的奖项. It is typically offered at the bachelor’s degree level.


Research capacities are typically lab-based, 调查性职业,需要不断挑战极限,开发新的医学流程,如肿瘤学或癌症研究.

Application capacities, on the other hand, 是否需要与患者直接接触或患者需要进行恢复健康的测试.

Pursuing a Health Science Degree

学生可以早在中学就开始学习和追求他们对健康科学的兴趣. Then continue that pursuit throughout high school, career and technical centers (CTC), and in post-secondary institutions.

However, 高等院校的健康科学是学生学习上述研究型职业课程的地方, application-based career courses, and take advanced health science courses.

高等教育卫生科学教育比中学卫生科学教育要复杂和广泛得多, high school, or CTCs. 这是因为学生有机会继续他们的教育,以获得更高的学位, including doctorates. Not to mention, 高等院校也是学生学习更多健康科学研究内容的地方, 除了之前学过的面向过程的基本知识. With this knowledge, 学生们继续学习像肿瘤学这样的专业医学专业, radiology, pediatrics, and more.

健康科学学位的学生通常会继续追求进步, 本科毕业后继续攻读硕士和博士学位. 例如,在UB,许多健康科学学位持有者继续获得他们的 Master’s in Nutrition or Master’s in Public Health . 他们也可以参加医学预科课程,为他们成为医生、外科医生、 chiropractors,以及其他有执照的专业人士——与那些只需要证书的职业形成对比.

Earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Sciences program builds upon a common foundation, consisting of courses in:

  • General education
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Health Sciences such as:
    ○ Medical terminology
    ○ Biostatistics
    ○ Research
    ○ Epidemiology

Students also select one concentration from the four areas of:

  • Community health education
  • Exercise and fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Pre-professional


Health Sciences: Community Health Education

Students who earn a BS degree in Health Sciences, with a focus on Community Health Education, 是否为寻求改善个人和社区健康的职业生涯做好准备.

他们将获得通过健康促进保护和促进公众健康的知识和经验, health education, and disease prevention programs and activities. Students in this career track aim to reduce disease, promote healthy behaviors, encourage the use of available healthcare services, and reduce healthcare cost.

该专业的毕业生也有资格获得社区健康教育专家(CHES)认证 美国国家健康教育认证委员会.

Health Sciences: Exercise and Fitness

在健康科学的运动和健身集中的学生将准备了解运动科学和一般健身所涉及的原则. By the end of their college career, students will understand the basics of kinesiology, body mechanics, exercise physiology, nutrition, and overall fitness.


Health Sciences: Nutrition

健康科学营养学专业的学生学习理解和交流营养科学的循证原则. 他们学习新陈代谢和营养在健康中的作用,以及识别和指导他人选择健康饮食和生活方式的知识.


Health Sciences: Pre-Professional

The last concentration, pre-professional, 允许学生从健康科学课程中选择30个学期的学分,这样他们就可以为进入研究生课程做准备.


Health Science Degree Outcomes

Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree in Health Science, 毕业生可以将健康和保健的原则作为植根于基础科学和行为艺术研究的终身学习过程.

Students will:

  • 了解生命系统的基本生物、化学和物理特性
  • 能够收集和分析研究数据,并根据数据进行推断
  • Be aware of professional, ethical, 以及与健康科学相关的隐私问题

Health Science Career Paths

健康科学职业在美国就业市场中占据了相当大的比重.S. economy. In fact, the U.S. 劳工部预测经济增长将“快于平均水平”或“远高于平均水平”,这就是为什么健康科学正规的网赌平台专注于这一增长领域.


正规的网赌平台的课程为学生提供攻读硕士学位的能力 variety of career paths, such as:

  • Community Health Educator
  • Healthcare Project Manager
  • Community Outreach Coordinator
  • Personal Trainer
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Grant Writer
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Health Advocate
  • Fitness Instructor

And work in a variety of locations, like:

  • Nonprofit and for-profit healthcare facilities
  • Community health centers
  • Hospitals
  • Private Companies
  • Colleges
  • Health and fitness clubs
  • Private practices

These are just a few of the many careers and employment locations that await you when you earn a Health Science degree in CT.

Apply today and take the world’s health into your hands!